paint chain (28/28) chloe has won the election (revealed)

If katze says no you guys should just make your own round tbh

Reveal hype

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wen reveal noob host


Reveal part 1

Jane is allowed to in anyway


oh in 10 minutes


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Hello and welcome to the super duper epic reveal for this paint chain. I’m too lazy to do threadmarks for everything but I’ll mark this post in the OP and you can just ISO me from here or something.

I attempted to add entertaining commentary with the descriptions and paintings but it’s plausible I failed on that front. Either way, I hope all of your “wow thats good art” and “wtf that is terrible” and “help this is literally horrifying” and “katze is literalyl the worst player, etc etc i hope she quits the forum” and the such make up for any lack of humor I may bring to the table :joy_cat:

or, in other words:

its REVEAL time so im get pan its makes big oil for pay good than needs brake tie for learn and make eggs brain omlette for good taste its get great mind body etc etc etc


Painting 0: Part of the west wall in the Magi Chapel – Benozzo Gozzoli (~1459)

Marginally NSFW:

As it turns out, I did not realize that the horses had some parts of their anatomy preserved until a bit too late (minutes before sending), and I didn’t find a replacement image I quite liked. Oops. Anyway, I wanted an image that had a handful of people and at least one cat. pls dont judge.

This image in particular has a lot going on – not reasonably describable in 10 words – a lot of details to pick between for a describer. I chose this image in particular over a larger image of the wall because I didn’t want to overwhelm them, though :joy_cat:

Also the other ones had questionable quality.


Describer 1: @benguinedparbecue

Yeah, that seems fair. The time period is completely lost here, and being watched? I see it, but it wasn’t my first interpretation of it… I’m sure that won’t lead to more ominous drawings down the line, right?


(by the way you guys are free to post or comment etc id lock the thread if i cared)




ok fine relm is being toxic so im banishing her to marshals realm

Painter 1: @Marshal

Oh god. This is nightmare fuel.

The people are in fact riding on horses while being watched. This image feels like they’re not riding, but instead running… they seem pretty unphased by it, though. The cheetahs are pretty cool too. :sunglasses:

The watchers have become eyes.


holy shit

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that is terrifying wtf


marshal is very good at being watched

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Describer 2: @Leafia

We have traded our nightmare fuel for our horses and devolution of our cats. I don’t think I was ready for more nightmare images but our animals will be missed.

I wonder if Leafia is just unphased by the eyes and that’s why they’re only cartoon eyes to her, but either way this will do wonders for my ability to sleep at night.


Painter 2: @Chloe

Aww… Chloe took her sweet time for unbeknownst reasons but this is adorable. The LGBTQ+ community forgives her.

I think if you compare her drawing to Marshals, you can see the difference of pure evil versus pure good. Or maybe Chloe was just given a more wholesome description, but that’s less fun.