paint chain (28/28) chloe has won the election (revealed)

People are like, actually scared of the image?



Describer 3: @Ren

A simple description for a fairly simple drawing… seems to catch everything – although I think that second guy wasn’t wearing a hoodie.

Wait, disembodied? Oh no.


not actually scared but it fairly unnerving for an image that came right after a bunch of horses and old people


its definitely not cartoonish

Painter 3: @Squirrel2412


God DAMMIT. We had ONE cute and wholesome picture and now we’re back to eldritch horrors. help.

Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone throwing a tennis ball to play with a cat, that seems more like something you’d do to play with an Arctic?

Either way, I think this is among the better MS Paint images I’ve seen, the eyes are all detailed differently (I think they’re all supposed to be from different things?) and the one on the right in particular almost feels like it was clipart instead of drawn in paint! The overall aesthetic knocks it out of the park, but I have to ask…

Why are those two guys so nonchalant about being in what looks like hell? What secrets are these creatures hiding?


Describer 4: @Kelsier

We need another Leafia to save us from the horrors of what’s about to come next.

A good description, though!


They have cats


Painter 4: @Ash

We have lost the second cat. The ball has grown. The eyes are bigger. The people still seem unphased by this.

Weirdly enough the first thing I noticed when I saw this image was that the left guys legs look like an A.

I also wasn’t anticipating a whiteboard art piece but I find it endearing. The marker swirls in the eyes make them weirdly eerie to me, honestly.

Shoutouts to Ash for having this done like, an hour after I sent him his description. A few more of him and we can pretend FAM didn’t delay the hell out of this :curtain:


The original plan was to do a rough sketch on the whiteboard, then draw the actual thing on paper, but I liked the first draft a lot more than I expected, so I just cleaned it up a bit and sent it in.


Describer 5: @LittleLee

Well, I guess I got what I wished for?

It’s very open to interpretation. Technically all of it is true, although I don’t quite see how they got meteors from that ball. The eyes representing popularity and them facing away from eachother representing seperation – one in love with their cat. It’s abstract, it took me a moment to understand. But I understand it.

Our next painter will be able to paint something very different to what we’ve had before, and maybe we will have completely escaped the nightmareish onlookers haunting our protagonists.



Painter 5: @Zugzwang

What in gods nyame happened here.

It’s beautiful. It’s terrible. It is two people separating, one with hearts and the other with a shooting star nya. The popularity has been lost, although that is a lot of hearts.

Really, the chain could probably end here. How can we top this? Really, the chain should have never been. Why did this come to be? Would Benozzo Gozzoli be proud of this?

Can we pretend that paint chains in the night sky are like nyaing nyas? Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya nya, nya nya nya, nya nya nyaaaa…


cat theme stays strong


Oh hey I am vaguely aware of the existence of this meme

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Describer 6: @Marluna

I think I’m almost glad that Marluna didn’t recognize (or chose to ignore) the meme format. I don’t know how much more of it this paint chain could have taken without getting repetitive/boring.

I thought this description would include a nya for sure. It seems our cat overlords have finally left us, no wonder we’re crying…

Actually, in hindsight, I probably shouldn’t have accepted this as 10 words since the + totally counts as one. Oops :joy_cat:


I think the popularity was supposed to be because the meme is popular
but idk that was a long time ago now


Painter 6: @tutuu


This image, somehow, instilled more fear in me than the eyes did earlier. The empty background combined with the sob emoji tiles… are they trapped here? Is time accelerated? Are their anniversaries and birthdays just at the end of the year?

I did not anticipate the wish and star to be taken this way. I did not anticipate tutuu knowing how to spell “anniversary”.

I fear for what comes next.


this says alot about society


never mind


MU Anniversary 2025
D1 tutuu

