that’s an insane role wtf

It’s a reason I was more quiet than I want to be. Mostly to not be murdered.

Wait, are we notified of a rank change?

Also rank 1

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this explains why i felt my role was so strong.

i’ll be honest i don’t think you were in danger of being murdered regardless but keeping quiet about it was the right move

I didn’t get anything on any night.
When did you target me?

Night 1.

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I also got nothing

I picked Ash, then ash4fun, then bystander.

an particular reason those 3?

N1: roleblock
N2: roleblock
N3: 1-shoted

Ash I wanted to move to 999 because I trusted frost and liked their reads. Ash4fun I liked them and trusted them to move to rank 2. Bystander I was still under the impression that it was a mech solve so I sent them to the bottom at 999.


ok yeah i dont hate that thought process

Yea it was mech solved if it was a roleblock from eaves

with a redirect it means something is very off

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still have like no clue why she would lie about that

Dont know, but I am like highly pissed about it

Maybe to avoid an 3rR0r trigger?
I imagine she viewed her role as basically being indistinguishable from an RBer.