she only revealed that when she was gonna die

why lie on the final hour

but like… i guess? all it did was give us a false sense of safety in the end

Still would’ve allowed an 3rR0r.
It’s the only reason she’d have done it.

not true

Dead people cant be guessed


and guessing is at night

Also my role is the reason I was so pushy about paradox hazard claims since the moment someone claims it I know it was a lie.


see here

Maybe she was banking on surviving?
I don’t know why else she’d lie otherwise.

doesnt say they cant be dead

You obviously cant guess a dead person it doesnt need to say that

No, I confirmed with Zone earlier. Guesses on dead players won’t count.

i mean ok in the end. this doesnt mean anything at the moment so this topic should be dropped

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it happened. :woman_shrugging:

yeah ok fair… the Error kill thing would have happened earlier if so

My only thought process is she misread the rolecard

thats the only viable train of thought

meme’s ability is so weird. having an ability that removes the main point of the game away