Aren’t we in MeLO, not ELO?

Pretty sure it’s lylo. Going to double check though.

My bad. We’re in mylo and not lylo. For some reason, I thought we were in lylo.

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It happens to all of us, don’t worry.

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So it’s not impossible that both Ash and Bystander are both villagers.

Thanks for understanding.

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i believe this

ok its probably hazard and ash

Ok, apparently, this is wrong.
Zone determines MeLo and ELo under the assumption that mafia has a Paradox Death, regardless of the number of 3rR0rs they’ve actually accrued throughout the course of the game.

Did Zone tell you that?

Also, if they do have a double kill tonight, there’s no doubt in my mind that they’ll kill Catbae and me.

Yeah. I was hoping that we could potentially work backwards to either confirm Bystander’s role or thunderdome them with you, given that we now know that there have been no Paradox Hazards.

Or Catbae and Meme.
Or you and Meme.
Any combination of two into our towncore.

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Ah. It would be extremely useful if we could do either.

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i mean it COULD be catbae and leafia lol

Ok, hold up, I think there’s been a miscommunication.

Ok, apparently, my initial assumption was right: it wouldn’t be MeLo unless mafia had some form of KP available to them tonight, regardless of the events that transpire today.
Thus, they either have at least 5 3rR0rs, or they have extra KP. I’m leaning towards the former.


i think you are dying today


You seem awfully confident about that.