Oh, ok.
Don’t think that affects anything?

if hazard had 2 shots why didnt he use the 2nd

Million dollar question.

and that sounds like the more likely maia role

He just…didn’t? A 2x role that uses a shot N1 tends to be conservative with their usage, so I’m not certain that’s the gotcha you think it is.
His role is quite suspicious to me, though.

Kinda shocked that no other town memeber as of now doesnt have a number in single digits.

Or double

I LIED I forgot cholw flipped

I imagine Zone just RNGed a bunch of numbers from 2 to 999, then assigned them to roles based on how he wanted action resolution to go.

are votes locked?


i didnt kow lol



@leafia why was catbae 100% town to u

Also, Leafia, what’s your rank?

I know i havent said it outright but how did you deduce my role is pick from 1-999 i never said the range. (This is me on my paranoia arc)

Whenever you distrust someone (see me and Bystander), you tried to push their rank to 999 so they’d move last.

I just assumed that 999 is as far back as you can possibly send someone.

Mostly due to Chloe.