hazard needs to have like a passive to be immune to redirects or something

aka complex role

hazards claim is likely fake bc its info that i assume wolves would know how many paradoxes without an action since they know how many errors right? do they?

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i wasnt opening poe i was inquiring to myself to consider where i could be wrong if all goes wrong

and then i came to the conclusion ash & hazard.

did not expand poe

im pushing 2 people within the poe rn.

So? It’s not like that’s less likely than a wolf in the towncore or the team being you/Ash from Bystander’s perspective.

You literally accused both me and Catbae of being wolves. Yes you did try doing so.

idk i just strongly think someone is telling the truth and we know? the wolves have a rb which targetted someone (if hes not lying, but ash literally said they did so ash is the wolf roleblocker)

the factional kill is already redirect/roleblock immune, it is very odd for a wolf to also have redirect immune

iirc i said something to the extent of “so its name” “i guess its name then” stuff like that

cuz along the way i was reevaling each person at a time to try to fill in the gaps i was looking for.

i am not pushing either of you right now.

if a paradox happens both actions are stopped right?


can wolves visit multiple ?

It doesn’t matter what you’re doing right now.


Not unless they have an ability that lets them do so.

hi leafia what did i accuse you and catbae of? i did not make any pushes or reasoning behind it to intend to actually push u


Of being wolves.