out of context this looks pretty good

but in context it comes right after i voted ash, and bystander never follows it up, even when ash becomes a wagon later that day. she ghosts the thread and doesn’t do anything at EOD.

This comes Day 2 while we’re actually putting pressure on bysytander. The read on Ash isn’t really substantiated, it’s just “seems like TMI” and jumping on the suspicion. It doesn’t give me the sense bystander actually has real thoughts on Ash and is just scrounging together any excuse she can to call him scum since she seems to think he’ll go over.

This type of readslist is kind of…keeping options open while not providing a strong direction. I don’t get the real sense there was an attempt to solve people so much as throw out names

meh. could actually see this as a bys/hazard s/s post just because it’s such a random callout

at any rate she comes back and places an invalid vote to get off Ash.


I wanna say something but imma wait till after catbae is finished

This is actually the most damning progression I think. bystander leaves the thread after posting a chunk of nonsense, then comes back and votes marluna when they’ve suddenly become the leading wagon with me and Chloe on it. bys was apparently townreading Marluna but votes without hesitation.

There’s no progression, no hesitation, no attempt to even understand the case at all. It looks like the most obvious bus in the world.

I mean I can keep going but in the past when I flood the thread people tend to tune me out

and I really think the bystander progression on Marluna I just dug up is a smoking gun

the fact the game isnt over yet means theirs an evil with in Bystander/Ash/Someone.

I mean this was basic knowledge anyway but i am glad its publicised lol

wait you are right yea

well that is good

means I didnt fuck it

pbbttt… heres my thought process.
someone’s whole process today has been making my stomach do backflips and i didnt wanna publicise this cause i wanted to see what someone would do with someone still thinking they were evil… which is why i was happier to vote bystander over someone. i think i have settelled on someone just being good. which in my eyes i think just leaves the team to have been actually just bystander and ash. which still also icks me cause like why did bystander push me when i didnt say that exact team. actually it could have been her plan to push me tomorrow after ash’s flip and her pointing out could have been a set up for tomorrow…

AHHH FUCK IT VOTE: Ash I am sorry if i am wrong i am gonna have a long fucking shower

acknowledged. no hammer just yet.

I would appreciate if we dont hammer cuz im gonna be like real busy tommorow and day after

so i was kinda hoping it would be fine cuz night

I should maybe be fine thursday but wednessday will suck for me a lot

uh i don’t think maj changes the deadline?

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oh ok then I got no problems

im not sleeping today either so im very :skull:

I was kind of of a mind to push bystander first but after looking things over again I really don’t see any other solve being possible.

I was going to wait for acknowledgement but Leafia said she was going to sleep and if this is inevitable I really just want to see the flip here.

@Leafia @Memekingpizza if you’re alive tomorrow, please look at my case posts for bystander/Ash, I really think her vote on marluna is a textbook bus, there’s no progression or substance and I’m kicking myself for not noticing it sooner.


I am so, so sorry if this is wrong and I let myself get turned around backwards on my read after being right on you Day 2. But I really cannot see any other possibility here.

Majority has been reached.

Ash (4): bystander, Someone, Hazardwaste, catbae

Not Voting (3): Leafia, Ash, Memekingpizza

Do we get a flip?