
(also im sorry - im impatient. take ur time)

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I am walking home atm. Just send me whatever and i’ll get to you when i get home

well i’d mostly just like your thoughts on things in general after you catch up, because its hard to read you off of what you’ve written so far

you’re also a candidate for elim today since everyone else has more going for them (imo), and you’re consensus PoE - so uh, yeah
who would you wagon instead

i fucking hate this question cause 9/10 i am wrong then i am gonna feel awful for the rest of the game.

Hold on let me catch up and i’ll give you something

tbh i also don’t like being asked that question but im just trying to get a gauge on ur thoughts rn
no need to scumcase anyone or w/e

this is a wild fucking statement so early in the game. how is your confidence on this Chloe?

i mean i felt like in the game i was evil with him in the tos 3 game he was the opposite lol.
he posted a fair ammount and took charge of the mafia team almost instantly, he is usually louder as wolf. but i could be misremembering so i might look back at those games.

chloe has that itchy trigger finger

i will say i dont hate the style of this breakdown i just think its necessarily not right @tutuu How many games have you played with EVIL frost wolf

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what makes it wild? it’s a PoE
i find everyone else more villagery than those in that group, and the game feels pretty easy
most of my townreads agree afaict

yes and what does that mean for my alignment iyo

interaction i wanna note down for later

i mean personally i rarely see a “2+ wolves in this combo” so early in the game. usually its like “at least 1”

i am registering your confidence.
and as your reply confirms your extremely confident

depends heavily on context i’d say - every game is different
considering there are 4 people in that PoE and they’re all ~null or less to me i wouldn’t be surprised if there were 2+ wolves in it yes
mayyyyyyybe not all 3 but yeah im reasonably confident that has some

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u only replied to half my post smhze

the fucking confidence in everyone. how can people play like this day 1

did you really just take that read out of context lol

“I think is where i am at the moment from my quick read through the last hour or so.” i was about to fall asleep and didnt wanna stay up making paragraphs

Second person to take this post and warp it to their needs

tbf i always play safe day 1. cause i am usually in this situation day 1 lol

Uh? why is this a red flag i feel like wanting to get a wagon going is pretty neutral…

hmm so more then half the game?

I was READING. i am a male, I cant multi task leave me alone ;-;

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It was more of a statement then an actual read :stuck_out_tongue:
but tbf i kinda equate people more to how i play. and i dont play day 1’s confident at fucking all showed by this current day.

So it shocks me when people play confidently so early

Anyway i would push ash4fun or Ash today.

Ash4fun’s wallpost felt very advantagous and had some weird “Yes i am with you friend” Lines

like as soon as people were leaning town on chloe they started to lean town

sus’s a highly sus’d target

this post???

agreeing with someone and then extending their poe by 3 players (having a poe thats like more then half the game)

Like it feels like a post thats “I am doing something look at me i am just like you all” (Hypocritical i very much know)


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Re reading their iso actually (Ash4fun)

this feels like the only town coded message they have sent.
is this like the only reason why ash4fun has escaped people’s poe?


do you think thats wolfy of catbae