Mmmm… look i can understand how she could have interpreted it so its not damning to high hell for them. But i dont think its the best look on her by a long slot and places her around lower null/Scum lean for me

I am more worried about you chloe

Who did understand what the message was and didnt correct it. And you did like it so you were there

Why didnt you say anything about it?

ash4’s early posts were pretty ballsy coming from a wolf - it just felt like they had zero fear at all
she also informed everyone that VT is anticlaimable, which def wouldn’t be in a wolf’s best interest

also those solving posts felt natural to me

this is a thought i shared too for a little bit

same with the bolded

No i agreed with catbae - i find that post of yours wolfy
Popping in at that exact moment just to post a list that ultimately says nothing felt like a wolf who realized they were being discussed and wanted to pretend they were solving

Hmm ok no thats fair

First major post wall one i can agree second one just doesn’t for me.

But i get your point with the VT thing. Ugh i dont fucking know

This is probably fair i guess.

I go to bed at 11 my time on Sunday’s if you believe it or not and it was probably just poor timing on my part. Still doesnt change the fact you didnt correct them tho.

i don’t get what was incorrect about it lol

is that not exactly what you did

Sorry i get defensive when people call my posts meaningless cause i do try with them. i am just scared to make really harsh choices.

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They specifically left out the part where i said “Over the last hour” making it seem worse then it was.

Honestly this means nothing cause you were scum reading me before this interaction anyway like this didnt magically change reads. Idfk

thats completely fair and im sorry if you are a villager and i offended you by saying that about your list

i thought he was just commenting on the fact that you posted a readslist like that at all
i dont really wanna speak for him though - that was just my interpretation and why i didn’t see anything that needed correcting. i’ll let him say what his thoughts were

Off topic: It shouldnt offend me its more of a me issue. I should grow confidence so i dont get these messages. Cause your right and i need to be better

why ugh

  1. Catbae is He i apologies x-x
  2. I think it may be best i just wait for him yeah. Apologies
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i feel like

tm not real

