Anywy, heading off for food now and great to be in a game with you again Chloe. It has been way too long. :sleepingleafeon:

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I mean, you do feel wolfy, so maybe you can be an honorary wolf? :D


I am debating if itā€™s safe to tell that we have X-shot abilities or not, to not waste Leafiaā€™s ability. (If we believe her.)

63 posts in, and Iā€™ve already missed game-relevant info.
This is gonna be fun.

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i wouldnā€™t rn but im not the best mech person
i just prefer to play it safe

do you have any reads or gut rn?

If I understood correctly from Zoneā€™s example, guessing x-shot doesnā€™t trigger the anti-claim, so we should be on the safe side with this.

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I mean, anti-claim aside, yā€™all probably donā€™t want to be telling me who likely has the more powerful abilities youā€™d hate to see sitting unused from our N1 kill :smiley:

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Beside ash4funā€™s (probably joke) entry?

No, not really.

(Well, mostly because Iā€™m very tired, and drank way more than in other Saturday nights.)

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Doesnā€™t x-shot makes the roles weaker?

It does, but a person with an x-shot ability tends to be x-shot because their role is good and is thus inclined to use their role earlier rather than later. Weā€™d prefer to shoot someone who isnā€™t basically a VT.

Mmmh alright

gunna expand on this now
i think marluna is a bit townie for staying in the thread after her opener (which said good night lol)
perfect excuse for a wolf to skip SoD stuff but she seemsā€¦ drawn to the game? And her tone is decent / comfortable


what do you need mech speculation for, on this day no less?

I forget what all is allowed in terms of setup speculation, but if all the final roles are roughly equal in strength, and some are weakened by X-shot, then those original roles are likely stronger than average. In other words, thereā€™s more likely to be a 3-shot acop and unlimited jailkeeper than the other way around. And shots or no, I want the acop out N1 if possible (theyā€™re annoying if they get all their shots)

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So telling if we donā€™t have x-shot is the worse idea.
So it would be better if a few, (but not all) x-shot roles volonteer for Leafia to gain more bullets for their abilities, I guess.

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Read Leafiaā€™s claim.

idk if I believe this claim, but:

I just asked the host, and vanillization does affect the anti-claim. A vanillized player is VT for the purposes of anti-claim, so if you use all your shots, donā€™t claim VT or vanillized.


Just anti-claim each town member as alligment cop, if you want target specifically alligment copsā€¦ (i donā€™t think we have any simple classic roles, so it is good for us, when you waste your anti-claims.)

nah, I asked about that earlier in wolfchat. If we get one wrong, then nothing happens that night. However there is a bit of lenience, like acop vs. 3-shot acop.

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Time to backread now.

Okay the funnies 10/10

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