That’s fair. I certainly haven’t been the towniest town on the field this game.
That said, I stand by every other point I - or, rather, Cat and Hazard - made.

I have a vested interest in keeping Someone alive today too, since I targeted them with my day ability today since I think they’re town and we need information.

Ok. If that’s the case, I’m willing to switch votes.
VOTE: Marluna

btw maj is 6, marl is maj-1

Oh, shoot, UNVOTE .

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I wanna see chloe some more before eod

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Do you think this implies w!someone → w/v!marl/you?

Yeah, I’d argue w!Someone → w!Marluna.
Not necessarily the other way around, though. Have to properly backread Marluna.

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marluna feels frozen lol

Why did this make u switch votes?

I think both Marluna and Someone are mafia here. I prefer Someone because I think he’s a mafia investigative, but given that Leafia wants to do her thing, I think Marluna’s also fine as a vote.

why would you want someone who u think is mafia to get another charge of their ability :sob: idgi

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Oh, right.
I completely forgot that Leafia’s claimed their ability already.
Back to Someone murdering it is, then.

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VOTE: Someone

okay that explanation makes me feel WAY better i was starting to have doubts again lol

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bros ash is just a villager

we kinda suck

and by we i mean i

my d1 was booty eh

ya I can probably put this back

VOTE: marluna

I-m more confident this is w

From what i can sense and im going to say it now. Im not going to vote on Someone today. I read them innocent. I just do know how to explain it but i would just say intuition. Plus i was right the first time so i moght as well believe in myself more so another town memeber who i believe gets shoved over.


as i said i have no Time at all to catch up, just checking in before EoD

current wagons are ~fine imo, no strong preference on which way the vote goes