
Thatā€™s not what Iā€™m referring to.

This is not stuff an investigative says.

Do you know my role

How else do you know you were RBed?

oh i am ā€œinvestigativeā€

But there is no contradiction in what im saying

So youā€™re just claiming a useless role.


I do want you to realize that ā€œinformativeā€ not ā€œinvestigativeā€ roles know they are roleblocked

Iā€™m not seeing the distinction?

Im not saying more, you are fishing rn

So true.

Also you never answered my point

Which is?


I donā€™t remember exactly who it was.

It mightā€™ve been Tutuu or Someone.

Lucky you.

Same here. :joy_cat:

If Ash flips wolf, Iā€™m going to be glaring daggers at you. I say we stay the course and execute Ash. Itā€™s what Tutuu wouldā€™ve wanted.

Yes and I still think Ash is likely a wolf, but Iā€™m not against Marluna getting executed. I do.think Someone is likely to be town though.

Saying this potentially gets villagers executed.

catbae is town
im as certain on him as i was on tutuu

pls no fighting u are both villagers be frens

not me sitting here waiting for someone to post and then 30min of messages appear

lemme taks a look at those

Marluna doesnā€™t exactly have choice in who she votes for. Even if both of you are mafia - and Iā€™m willing to say that itā€™s a strong possibility - sheā€™d vote you nonetheless.
Eaves, I donā€™t know. Iā€™m not a fan of how theyā€™ve tried to staple me and Hazard together, especially when they said that theyā€™d only consider Hazard town if I flip town, and given my aforementioned belief in a you-Marluna world, theyā€™ve got to vote at least one of you.

fwiw, I think almost every scumteam with ash also has marl, but not necessarily the other way around