I am being targeted by somebody, and that somebody is evil

Guy named Evil:

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Is someone usually this aggro as maf
Im getting kinda genuine vibes but dunno meta

No clue

It varies on my role power not my alignment

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and type

Also varies based on how sus I am, more sus = more free to push my pov

Having backread Ritual Mafia and the BotF game Daeron and N1 hosted, I think the distinguishing factor is how often Someone stays on topic?
Ritual Mafia features him going on various different tangents during the early game - for example, his late-night work, a role tierlist, and a thing about 2016 for some reason - while he was continually on-topic during the BotF game.

No chance lmao, thats just how my brain is

And like that also varies based on external factors like how stressed and overworked i am

u guys ar eao amazing and aeesome!! awesome

Ummm…what? English please. This post uses a whole lot of words to say basically nothing.

where the fuck did this come from.

i guess thats a reason.

bystander are you actually ok. serious talk

there wasnt really much said last night huh

@bystander i know you think the game is going well so you don’t feel the need to do anything, but you’re in thd PoE and i’d really appreciate if you actually did contribute a bit please

I would rather not miselim you if you’re v

eaves sorta feels like a flailing wolf to me tbh

She feels panicked today, and the tonal shift is huge compared to yesterday, and massive compared to day 1

Could be a villager who genuinely doesn’t know who the wolves are and is throwing spaghetti at a wall to see what sticks, but I don’t really think so atm

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I’m fine with voting Eaves.
My main priority for today is trying to figure out Someone, and it feels like the more I attempt to understand his playstyle, the less I do.

Pls reveal as IC


whats IC

Innocent Child

A villager who has their alignment publicly announced/confirmed