Yea that sounds like it wouldnt exist with anticlaim

Someone, can you point me towards a town game of yours (excluding BotF XVII: Hide and Seek and Combinatorics Mafia)?
Trying to do some ISOing.

Let me check the list hopefully they updated it

Im assuming ones where I get executed D1/N1 dont help?

cuz then there are very few options

I’d prefer a game where you at least get to D2, if possible.

Mayor gaming

Thats the only one


well the pitbull one to but that is fluff so

There is no like actual mafia game I can point to

In every real mafia game as good I am dead by D2

3 in a row do be like that

and 5 this year, im on track for a record

Also that game I was a mason and was trying to be sus for a good bit of it so like gl

Yeah, that’s why I wanted to find a town game besides that. Your play in Combinatorics Mafia isn’t really all that useful.

Will try and use this.

that is also tough cuz its not mafia

Legit if I can die I die as good very early its annoying af