Pathologic Invitational - TOWN VICTORY!!

dear wolves

i was reading bits and pieces of the wolf chat and honestly the amount of effort you two put in and the synergy you guys had together was really incredible to see. sometimes wolfteams just Work and this was clearly one of these times because you guys worked really well together, apparently infinitely moreso behind the scenes than on the surface

i would definitely be salty if i were in your shoes right now, especially after how well you two played. it was genuinely heart wrenching to see you two pour so much of your energy into trying to win just to have victory snatched away at the last moment, kind of out of left field. normally i subscribe to the view of “whichever team wins is the one that deserves to win”, but i really do feel like you guys were robbed here

wp again to both of you, hope this is some consolation :ghosthug:


Arctic, I’ve got the time machine. You know what you have to do.


be careful
wouldn’t want to rewind the game all the way back would we


Pathological desire to win.


Nah, do you see how many likes I got from losing? I’ve got to keep doing this shit


okay but you don’t have the Good Reply badge yet so you clearly haven’t lost enough


Noted. I’ll get on that ASAP


I dunno about Lemon, but I’m happier with this outcome than I’d ever be with a win that felt cheap or undeserved to me. It sounds [forgetting the word here], but… I don’t care who the winner was, it’s clear we played very well for a while and nothing’s going to erase that. Made it to D4 without any issues, had spec chat down even longer, town just happened to play better than I did on those last few days, and I don’t have a problem with that.


Humble? Modest?

No I’m not humble or modest about this we fucking owned you all for three day phases and I’ll never let you forget it


Not you though. You were spared


I wasn’t there to see it.


XD “Coaching”
You don’t need coaching Fam.
You played well you just had bad reads and yes I felt the way you handled it was wolfy from my spectating perspective but that’s just a bad game.

The best thing is to aim to improve on your next game. That’s what I do.

Everyone has games like that. Maybe even Eragon who’s Playstyle remains me allot of yours.

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Here is the game of

Eragon God Replace In

Quotes by Eragon in the game.

“That’s if dota is the scum

Which I’m not absolutely confident on

And like earlier, but in anthisesis of

I don’t want to be proved wrong by losing the game today”

“from your point of view I understand that you know that dota is scum (if you are town)

Becuase you would be confirmed town to yoursef and chuckle is really towny

but from my point of view, the only confirmed town is chuckle, and Cham is the confirmed scum

So instead of my decision of the last scum being between (Cham, me) (your POV)

the last scum is between (you, dota)

I’m leaning dota, and wouldn’t currently be upset with a lynch in then

But I want to be more than 99% certain before I decided”

“so my time is patchy right now so im doing things in steps

first off, lets talk about yesterday’s quickhammer

chuckle voted noveiia with sound reasoning and posted their thoughts about the game

Dota is fine voting noveia because they are lock-scum to them

cham is online and quickhammers

ChamAlien wrote:

/vote noveiia

-no explanation

-no pre-emption

-was not asked to quickhammer

Frankly, when i checked thread before flip but after hammer, i thought noveia was gonna flip town and cham/dota won

so i was genuinely happy to see noveia flip scum, especially consort

so lets look at this scenario from a town!tracker PoV and a scum PoV

Town!tracker, if cham was town, would indeed know that i am scum, but would not know if dota or noveia is scum

i do not see any sound reasoning for town without a confirmed lynch would be willing to quickhammer in lylo

besides that, no one was actually wanting a quickhammer, and it takes away discussion and interaction time, a further minus

from a scum PoV

cham KNOWS that noveiea is scum, right

and cham knows that 2 town are currently voting noveiea

so if cham is online, which they were, and DOESNT HAMMER noviea, if noviea or cham ends up being a lynch, this confirms them as a scumteam, because if noveia was town, then cham would have straight quickhammered for the win

the ONLY option to lead for a possible win for Scum!cham here is to quickhammer Noveia for the “towncred” of lynching scum, but even though in a void this would look good, in this scenario, any other option would confirm that as the scumteam”

Zorvo about to start an Eragon cult :wowee:


Once I was in a mafia game and someone was like “hey ideally to have the most fun what day do you want the game to be solved on” and the general consensus was D7 so on that day they came into chat and were like “lmao I roleblocked two consecutive kills here’s the scumteam”


That’s my story.


Eragon is my inspiration.
I shall speak like him for now on.
But still be me.

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i think trying to change your entire manner of speaking to reflect oneperson on the internet isn’t a great idea

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