Pathologic Invitational - TOWN VICTORY!!


Oh and I have this screenshot too


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the real question is

who will lose more games, May or Chloe?



we have our answer

I’m gay

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This, however, makes me very happy with my D1 wagon

Archives Town Win


During N4, I was typing up a post in wolfchat that I never ended up sending (because I fell asleep, and also because it was way past the Discord character limit) - here it is, with a few things finished up in post (because I fell asleep before I could type them).

Everyone’s played well and town legitimately deserves the win if they get it (and if it goes the other way, I think we’ll have deserved it as well).

Vulgard has this broad understanding of the gamestate that just allows him to move fluidly and re-evaluate when he’s wrong in a way that really showed itself today, when he began to realize (and will shortly finish realizing) that the people he’d been townreading since D1 are wolves. He didn’t think it was us when he left the thread, but that was largely because we made decisions that were suboptimal or otherwise confusing with regard to mechanics. His only mistake was assuming that things made sense, and I don’t think he’s going to be doing that going into tomorrow. Scary stuff.

Whysper stepped up after being poisoned very well and played a leader position that town sorely needed at the time, and I think the way she genuinely engaged with everyone advanced people’s reads a lot in a way that was super valuable to everyone’s reads, even if that didn’t show it for a little while. Without her being poisoned, I think things would’ve easily fallen into a mess of TvT accusations.

Arctic has just played this last day incredibly well and saw through it all - I didn’t think we left a lot of evidence going into D4, but he spotted it all regardless, and also produced plenty of new stuff in the way he pushed both of us into corners. I think we both underestimated each other earlier in the game, him by townreading me at the time, me by not killing him, and I was very clearly wrong.

Beancat knew everything that was going on before anyone else had even figured out one of us. There’s really nothing else I can or need to say. She found the wolves, and nobody listened at the time. Across games, I’ve seen her, like… complete immunity to incorrect town consensus, and I don’t mean this in a backhanded way - I’ve never seen it manifest in hostility, which I can’t necessarily say about myself.

Nokiel has done super well for her first game and has jumped into things in a way that I don’t think many people would. Throughout being suspected, she’s just… held fast and solved, handling the stress of being suspected just as well as, if not better than, most experienced players. I think chances are quite high that she makes the right decision tomorrow (of course I do, if I’m writing this now), and even if she doesn’t, she’s done incredibly.

Aelin drew a short straw (I say, like it was bad luck and not me doing that on purpose) and did incredibly with it - she found Lemon on D1, found Arctic town when others didn’t, was motivated throughout the day despite the thread being a brick wall (because both wolves were on her), and left an excellent legacy that set up the game really well. Aelin was just… this sound rude, but it’s a compliment, I promise, the perfect D1 execution for town - she didn’t ever roll over, and she kept pushing to solve even after it looked like she’d die. Were this a fair world, she’d have lived.

Kanave came through incredibly clutch - she was wolfread for bad reasons all game, and managed to completely turn that around and make herself locktown by the end of D4, not to mention how her calling my bluff and voting out Eliza on D3 prevented D4 from being a complete wash. She was absolutely right - if I actually suspected Eliza/Vulgard, I’d be voting them - and forcing me to make that choice was the start of my downfall.

Lemonfebruary hi hi hi I know this post is supposed to be praising town, and it is, because we’re masons, but genuinely you were the biggest factor in me actually having fun during my first wolfgame instead of completely exploding and I can’t thank you enough. No matter what happens, we did well (you especially did well, being townread from your first posts of the game) and I owe you my relative sanity :crogge:

Jar also did great and questioned exactly what needed to be questioned; he took advantage of being poisoned to press on bad arguments toward Kanave and Nokiel, along with Vulgard’s townread of Lemon. Being nightkilled (or, well, nightpoisoned) in one’s first game is a great achievement, and that this happened (passive voice guys we did nothing wrong :D) to Jar is a testament to how quickly he caught on to how the game works.

Eliza made reads that moved the game forward in a way that really pushed everyone to contribute on D1, and her argument with Aelin was a big part of what let everyone just… build off of that D1 execution. Without her, I think people would’ve just kept reading on vague tone and “attempts to solve”, which obviously would’ve benefited us. She was one of the only ones fighting against a Beancat wagon when Bean had solved the game already, and her eventual death also prevented us from going through with the plan to push her and Vulgard together on D4 unironically great job dying Eliza


Well, the universe had to make a decision. It’s like rock-paper-scissors. “May winning on FoL” beats “town winning on FoL” in terms of unlikely events, just as “gun” beats all possible outcomes anyone could possibly throw, seriously, nothing beats gun, you can’t say you beat gun, that’s cheating, not fair.


Oh, and for the record, the reason Lemon went so hard on defending Beancat was that we had decided it would be really funny to fake poison her the next day and we wanted her alive so we could do that

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Also for the record, from these stats, assuming there’s a 25% chance of randing wolf, there’s a 2.6% chance I lose any seven consecutive games, and a 3.3% chance I lose seven consecutive games given the alignments I rolled. Discounting the existence of 3Ps, because I’ve never played a game with one that wins solo. Awesome

accurate description of wolfreads on me during d1-d2


you know i actually completely forgot about this
the first two miselims were actually more accurate than anyone else so kudos to them




Its fine, pushes are just going to happen; I didn’t do a lot those first 2 days to keep my name out of reads so it makes perfect sense for me to get pushed there


Once it got randed one of us had to win, sorry :sob:


Happy to break your losing streak and build my losing legend.