Pathologic Invitational - TOWN VICTORY!!

i meant to go to sleep like an hour ago fuck

Sleep and show up for eod


Even if people recognize it, that’s fine, because they’ll still have a distinct reaction to me making the exact same push as last time. Doing weird shit throws people off and gives you more organic, genuine reactions.

May confirmed for tryhard (this has been confirmed for a very long time)

It’s there, sure, but it’s not presented in a way that makes it feel like Aelin is taking responsibility for it, you know? It feels like this post is intended to make the reader

No, they shouldn’t, but that’s not what I’m saying. You’ve taken my words out of context. It’s not specifically that Aelin wouldn’t say she’s town, it’s that Aelin really sounded like she didn’t want to draw attention across her (short) ISO, and this was one small part of it - Arctic asked her a specific, direct question, and she was pretty… wishy-washy about it, y’know? Like she was trying to stay under the radar. It’s tone. It’s always tone with me.

Lemon’s play this time around feels super similar to what I’ve seen from her in previous games - she asks a lot of questions, engages with people, pokes at things, in a way that just… doesn’t feel like it has any agenda behind it. It’s not a hard read, nothing is at this stage, but given the current gamestate, my first instinct is always going to be to look at the slots that don’t want to engage with people and provide content.

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Aw fuck I’ve failed to tryhard I didn’t finish one of those paragraphs.

It’s there , sure, but it’s not presented in a way that makes it feel like Aelin is taking responsibility for it, you know? It feels like this post is intended to make the reader come to their own conclusions, so that she can flexibly explain it away later on.

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if i sleep through my alarm

i think vulgard and may are probably town
also jar. probably



am i supposed to bullshit a conclusion i dont have? because if thats the way we play town now feel free to kill me

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Disagree on this one, but not of much value anyway since it’s differing in the way we read ppl
Them just saying “well this sus in a way idk how to explain” is relatable not that scummy to me


whyspers posts look like word vomit to me and i dont know why
nokiel seems vaguely pure, not sure if thats AI or not

I mean, you’re very much asking the wrong person if you want to hear anti-bullshitting-conclusions-one-doesn’t-have opinions.

Obviously, I won’t try to convince you otherwise - you’re free to play however you want - but I think overstating confidence in one’s read is essential to D1 play, because otherwise, the game just… never moves forward. I play by working through theories, overstating my confidence in them, seeing how people react, and adjusting based on that. Like… here, hold on, I’ve said this a bunch of times, let me just find that.

^ What they said. Apparently I’ve not repeated this as many times as I’ve thought, at least in the first few posts of every game I’ve played, and I can’t be bothered to look beyond that.

we fundamentally disagree on this i guess

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Perhaps the fact that all of these threads where I’m so enthusiastic about lying as town have “mafia won” in their titles should indicate something to me. I refuse to learn what, though.

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this reminds me of marshal lol



This explains everything

dont know how much more you want from me
“Someone who used to play on these forums”
well if you dont recognize them by name that doesnt help so why even bother

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just an exercise in futility and i try and stay away from those

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suddenly fatigued
might disappear for a lil
thing my medicine is wearing off

thats exactly what i mean, it just feels… offf nbut i cant peg ethier of them ethier individually or together as scum for it i dont know why


Why has Eliza liked this post but said nothing
Regardless yes
It’s very interesting
It feels like the most accurate way I could describe it is being T/T in a neighborhood with each other but that’s obviously not possible in this here darn diddily game
So I stay confused