Percy Jackson and the Olympians FM - Town wins!

let’s kill atlas

VOTE: atlas

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VOTE: Frostwolf

After your first post I got the vibe that you just didn’t care what people thought of you


I can’t really comment I don’t know how I look to other people I can’t look at myself

moving on I think I’d want to keep atlas around for at least a day in case we’re wrong on this and let them produce more material but if people wanna “Just do it” I’d have to ask what they get out of it

to lynch someone wolfy d1

Wolfy based on what I can see basically just a meta read

Which yeah is cool and all but if I ever changed how I acted and got killed for it I’d be a bit miffed?

I mean we’re not gonna like hammer them rn there’s still like 44 hours left

Well good to question it now rather than later

fair enough

I don’t wolf read them based on meta I think the way they reacted to pressure and interacted w me was wolfy

VOTE: unvote

dawg that’s how meta works

I may be blind but I haven’t seen you state that please quote it

He hasn’t even explained that he’s trying something different as of now

I haven’t stated that anywhere yet I just said I wolfread atlas beforehand

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but that’s my reason im unfamiliar w atlas’ meta