Percy Jackson and the Olympians FM - Town wins!


Hosted by @ash4fun and @CRichardFortressLies on account @Chiron
Reviewed by @Zone_Q11


  1. Follow the Forum Game Rules.
  2. Post a minimum of 10 game-related posts per day phase.
  3. If you fail to heed the former rules more than once, you will be subbed out or modkilled.
  4. Alts are permitted, but must be discussed with the hosts before joining.
  5. I reserve the right to add and/or remove rules in the future, except the Forum Game Rules.

General Mechanics

  • This is a closed rolemadness.
  • Day Phases last 48 hours unless majority is reached early. Night Phases last 24 hours.
  • All actions must be submitted in your classcards / role PMs.
  • Living Mafia members may communicate through Discord at all times.
  • The Mafia have one factional attack per night, which is optional and assigned. The factional attack may be used in addition to other player abilities.
    • Some mechanics may grant additional factional attacks. No player may use a factional attack more than once in a night.
  • Except for the factional attack, players may not take more than one action within a single phase, unless an ability allows them to do so.
  • Unless explicitly permitted, players cannot self-target with an ability.
  • Players will be informed if their actions are blocked only if they expect to receive information as a result of said actions.
  • Night abilities are resolved at the end of night, and Day abilities are resolved at midday, 24 hours after the start of the day phase in which they are used. The game thread will be locked at midday for about 5 minutes to allow the host to process Day actions. Phase change will occur at 2024-07-22T22:00:00Z on the appropriate day.
  • Action deadline is one hour before the actions are to be resolved.
    • If majority is reached before midday, Day actions will be immediately locked and resolved.
  • The host will announce when ELo or MELo (collectively XLo) occurs. Some abilities may not be used after XLo has been announced.
    • XLo is calculated by determining whether the Mafia can win by using all available factional attacks on the following night to kill a member of the Town.

Special Mechanics

Vote Mechanics

  • Use the latest voting format.
  • Plurality: Whoever has the most vote weight at the end of a day phase will die.
  • Majority: At any point during the day, whenever a player has >50% of all votes, the day will end and that player will die.
    • If majority is reached sometime before midday, all Day actions will be immediately resolved. After this, votes will be recounted, and if majority is still reached day will end as described above. Otherwise, day will continue as scheduled.
    • If majority is reached as a result of resolving Day actions (rather than a player placing a vote), then day will end as described above immediately following midday.
  • In case of a tie, a random player within the tie will be executed.
    • If [No Exec] is also tied, then [No Exec] will take priority.
  • [No Exec] is a valid vote, and may be hammered to end the day early.
  • Self-votes are considered valid votes.
  • Votes are locked in ELo, but not in MELo.


  1. @/Leafia Chris Rodriguez
  2. @/beancat
  3. @/May
  4. @/Luxy Luke Castellan
  5. @/Illwei Silena Beauregard
  6. @/Frostwolf103
  7. @/Apprentice
  8. @/Jarek
  9. @/Kiiruma
  10. @/Arctic
  11. @/bystander
  12. @/pandora
  13. @/sulit
  14. @/Ash
  15. @/Anonymoose
  16. @/tutuu
  17. @/Atlas→@/Jane


  1. @/TheBlueElixir
  2. @/catbae


  1. @/Litten
  2. @/benguinedparbecue
  3. @/carbonated
  4. @/Zugzwang
  5. @/ElizaThePsycho



All rolecards have been distributed. Day 1 will begin at 2024-07-26T22:00:00Z.

Role reassignments made by the Mafia factional Tactician must be submitted by 2024-07-26T21:00:00Z




SoD1 Flavor

Camp Half-Blood: A haven for children of the gods against the monsterous forces of Kronos. A place to learn of their heritage, and train in their godly abilities. An outpost in the war between gods and titans, from which the capable will be called to defend Olympus.

But feeding on the resentment borne from the gods’ apathy toward their children, Kronos has gained many allies among the young demigods—important pawns for their position within the heroes’ home and sanctuary, capable of bypassing the magical wards to summon monsters into the camp and cause havoc.

After a hellhound wounded a camper in the archery field, camp is in an uproar. Everyone’s loyalty is in question. Those found to be aiding the titan lord are to be exiled from camp to face his wrath, and the campers are all too eager to see this new terror banished from their home.

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Day 1 has started and will end at 2024-07-28T22:00:00Z.

Submission deadline for day actions is at 2024-07-27T21:00:00Z.

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death to Kronos


hi chat


greetings i am tutuu blah blah blah i am definitely gay


hello i am town

what this means:

  1. i intend to do nothing
  2. i intend to contribute nothing of value
  3. if anyone wrongly scumreads me its their fault for being bad
  4. if i wrongly scumread you its your fault for being bad
  5. any of my reads that lack explanation do so because it is a “soulread”
  6. anyone who complains about me not being towny enough - if i do it, then its a reaction test, i was baiting the wolves to jump on my wagon by purposefully acting scummy. if you dont catch those wolves its your fault for not doing your part, i gave them to you on a silver platter
  7. if we lose i will offer you constructive negative criticism on your gameplay and you should be open to hearing it. if you’re uninterested in improving in mafia you should not play mafia
  8. if we lose i’m not interested in anyone providing me constructive negative criticism on my gameplay. i just play for fun. i dont play like my life depends on it. relax guys

i wrote this post about 20 minutes before day start. i kept it on a .txt file while waiting for thread to start. i have no reason to admit to this. its probably townier if i didnt mention it and pretend i just wrote it in the thread. but im town so i dont care. i will do literally whatever i want. sucks to suck


Can’t wait for the sequel series: Perhear Johndaughter.


I just got off work



dang you didn’t say it


im gonna drive home now :v:


then I will thread camp till I go to bed


Atlas’s first p[ost seems a bit performative, but I’m going to try not to look too deeply into it.

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you’re town

love doing this at work

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