Percy Jackson and the Olympians FM - Town wins!

you are proving you have never read my posts

this is 2 posts away from leafia’s flip. the only thing thats changed is kii is above tutuu and may is lower then jarek and bystander

this is detailed in my megapost which is about 5 posts of mine from sod

nothings changed because you all have only been talking about me.

Not true, and you didnt make it better by disappearing lol

You are not entitled to being correctly townread for having a town role pm, if u are town. U are acting like u are

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i’m not!
but i’m entitled to either being considered or allowing me to be ignored

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you’ve called me terrible for wanting either

I think thats fair

Hence why i said if u wanna flop over and die so be it

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When i said “this isnt good” i meant “this is scummy”

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nothing i can say can change anybodies mind, because they think they know better. thats alright! thats part of the game, ja?
but getting mad at me for accepting is weird.

i’m not so sure so i just want to handle it in case she isn’t to be safe

but tbc atlas you aren’t conducting yourself appropriately in this game. you aren’t being treated unfairly. it’s a closed rolemadness game. it’s not an open setup. you aren’t claiming something that can be confirmed, like your alignment being modposted. there isn’t a cop in this game. the way kiiruma has spoken about your role implies that it is something useful that can help town (such as a vig) but even that isn’t something that will confirm you. that is the nature of the setup. so you aren’t entitled to being allowed to live for longer just because of your claim.

you haven’t made any pushes today or tried to convince anyone on other people being a wolf, which is probably just about the only way someone else would die instead of you (i’ll concede that a lot of my points to scumread you are hard to defend against so the best way to survive would be to push other people). but you don’t really get to dip for nearly half the day and come back hurling ad hominem everywhere, telling everyone they’re bad etc. like there are civil ways of doing this. i don’t think anyone else has been uncivil but if you believe otherwise responding like how you are isn’t gonna help your case it’s just further alienating people

so my advice is to drop the claim stuff for the time being and play the game as though you aren’t confirmable, cuz frankly i don’t think people are willing to factor that in right now. i’ve seen people post themselves out of worse situations and you can be very towny as town so the nail isn’t in the coffin just quite yet

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i dont want to argue about this.

but you can accept that terrible means “scummy” there too

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looking at atlas’ reads can i just say i wasnt in fam 4 but assuming ur townread for me is that im not like hippo in fam 4 can i please say that hippo is uselesz in every mash regardless of alignments cuz theres too many people so they shitpost more and do less hard reads and then get accused of not doing anything so we shouldnt compare hippos non-mash towngame with their mash towngame because they are killed early every mash regardless of alignment for this reason and it is sad


i am
youve ignored me for saying that because you dont believe me

wait what the fuck eod is today??

oh no it’s just the day abilities happening

Oh do we have to use our boons by midday

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Just the middle of the day. Yesterday thread got locked for a few minutes

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Theyre all day actions. Idk when

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i have. i want luxy dead. i didnt push very hard on it because people will only talk about me. i also dont like pandora or may all that much, but im never killing may here

nobody will engage with the point other then “thats fine but i want you dead first”. which is fine!