Percy Jackson and the Olympians FM - Town wins!

There’s a lot more than just 2 furries

you meant wolves though teehee


Leafia was a mid-poster D1, dummy. She just hasn’t posted since being dead

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Wouldn’t do this as mafia

Not the type of person

My sincerest apologies.
Could I attempt to explain after the game ends, and receive an explaination in return about what you believe I have done.

Please keep in mind this is not an attempt to mock you, and it is more likely that I am incorrect, due to a multitude of reasons I can elaborate on upon request then.

I like it a lot when you call me dummy, more of that please :relieved:

The original draft of the post began with “Are you stupid?” but for the sake of my reputation and the general vibes of the place I’m avoiding hostility that outright


I see, this was a good safe play that you just made then, by still conveying the message but presented in a safe way

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The myth of CONSENSUAL mean to me online:

Moderator: I CONSENT
Longtime user: I CONSENT
New player who doesn’t have context for the relationship between these users and is just seeing a mod being really mean to somebody for no reason which creates the sense of a hostile environment: I DON’T

Isn’t there somebody you forgot to ask?


For now, I’m going to take a few hours to recuperate, and probably sleep. I’ll try to play more when I come back later.

I disagree

psychic powers


Has she ever done anything like this as mafia?

She’s never lost as mafia and it’s usually cuz she spams the thread and makes it more hassle to kill her than it’s worth

Idk if she’s ate’d this hard as mafia but i think she would do anything to win

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“She ate”
Anywhere else: :smiley:
FoL: :funeral_urn:


Shes not winning as mafia either way and i wanna try to go for a godlike sweep

13 out of 13 town alive
4 out of 4 woofs dead

Its possible if someone can stop the NK again

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me :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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Uhhh. This doesn’t hold anymore

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bruh i’m so sad my boon got wasted i didnt that thats how it worked where in the op did it say that grr

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