Percy Jackson and the Olympians FM - Town wins!

Frost so town

ash voted pandora on post 1500

Lets have frost and atlas dome for funsies and no one else comment


can you elaborate

i’m not wasting my time

Please :pleading_face:

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if you have something to say about both of us you should comment

Town frost carries himself with a lot more confidence than wolf frost

This frost represents confidence

Think frost is town and ur lean wolf but wouldnt be shocked if ur town but should probably flip you today

i dont think i agree
one moment

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I disagree frost is actually a rlly good wolf

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you said post 1500 contained ash voting illwei, to my understanding
it did not.

by the way, tutuu
where did you see frost wolf to get this info? the last time i remember him w was in a game before you got here

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You guys wont believe this but back in day frost and hippo and kiruma (and orange obvs) were like the best players till marl came along

Mainly cuz no one else understood forum mafia but ah well


Stellaris and undertale overhaul

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if you have another more recent then the one im thinking i can pull quotes from that’d be appreciated

Okay and…? If I cant get it straight then the vote count will.


Like looking up posts?

Sparing some headaches for you, Atlas.

Both Illwei and Ash are town based on wagonmatics in both 1500 and EoD1