Plagues & Flowers - Checkmate (Good wins)

Who are the other outsiders?

Amelia - Mutant.
Icet - Plague Doctor.

Hmmm iceT is equally likely to backstab me

And amelia is dead

Eh i am already in your head mag so might as well put more of me in there

Oh… so your me now?

I am sorry for you loss

It’s okay I had four rolecards.

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Man i had a kill schedule in everything this game.
Made a fake amne ability.
Had a planned jump.
I felt so prepared

But then along came Zeus.

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But then came along zeus

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i dont actually know if id accept a deal to become fang gu because longform demon sounds stressful :wowee:

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(definitely would in shortform I take mez words anyday)

it is

Honestly i feel more bad for litten and baker. I understand the anger

basically like
you were in your play area making your house with building blocks and it was gonna be pretty cool
and then magnus shows up with a gigantic spinning laser tower and the lasers knock your house over

i think the one time I rolled demon nobody fucking played the game so I just didnt get nommed in F3

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What’s with all the lasers?

In the way magnus put it
They wished to be demon. And my emotions over thought my brain