Plagues & Flowers - Checkmate (Good wins)

But then along came Zeus.

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But then came along zeus

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i dont actually know if id accept a deal to become fang gu because longform demon sounds stressful :wowee:

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(definitely would in shortform I take mez words anyday)

it is

Honestly i feel more bad for litten and baker. I understand the anger

basically like
you were in your play area making your house with building blocks and it was gonna be pretty cool
and then magnus shows up with a gigantic spinning laser tower and the lasers knock your house over

i think the one time I rolled demon nobody fucking played the game so I just didnt get nommed in F3

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What’s with all the lasers?

In the way magnus put it
They wished to be demon. And my emotions over thought my brain

not a very stressfil game :wowee:

its a joke that started out of a DM because i took a metaphor way too far
its funyn though so im keeping it

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magnus would definitely be the one to use spinny lasers

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What even is a spinny lazer

a laser that spins

ive played actual demon twice

the first ended with my last minion scumslipping in f6 and somehow that got me killed (they were SW, jumped the politician, who then immediately lost f4)

the second had a dimensional rift

a laser that begins shooting in all directions

not very safe

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Oh… why did i think spiney

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Spinning lasers are so vulgar, though.

I’ve been Demon in longform twice. Starting Demon once, designated Lil’ Monsta babysitter once. Doing it properly is a slog but it feels incredible to get it right. The weight off your shoulders… Doing it improperly, as I did in the Politician game… still feels pretty good, not gonna lie.

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