Plagues & Flowers - Checkmate (Good wins)

i mean yeah but i didnt know that at the time so i spent most of the day frustrated over it

Jarek then Magnus.

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this is why new players really should start on trouble brewing rather than… this

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magnus too smort

and also

not longform :wowee:

why amelia was seen as breaking madness

+Claiming a false dreamer ping on the player, leading to the real dreamer to out

-Backing down

-Claiming mutant

-Not elaborating on why the 2nd target was evil

-Amelia being too game-wise to fake a redcheck on someone they can’t elaborate on why they suspect them to a reasonable extent, high expectations from an extremely skilled player

–The entire evil team and the only potential jump target, only minus the harpy, being outted to the philosopher and the high priestess, and eventually, the dreamer and the waitress

–Claiming that they would explain the case during day 2, and staying in thread long enough after to not give a reasonable explaination to why they did not do it then

savant info



2 z

savant info:
A player performed an action last night that definitively did not help their faction any more then three or more different actions would.
A minion chose you last night.

(this player is not magnus. picking dreamer or savant was a bad play, and lunatic being a halfway lycanthrope is hard to say is objectively worse then other options).
(it is litten, who picked a player who doesnt act on n1)

those different options are
picking the dreamer
picking the general
picking the high priestess
picking the savant


the good team, beside having good players in high power roles, had a realitvely strong cast overall. the poisoner miss n1 made up for the harpy, which i didn’t think would proc unless in extreme situations. good was winning either way

dreamer info

philosopher/vigormortis - magnus
it was to paint them as demon: i didn’t think they’d die early, and being able to point at someone whos acting demony (on purpose) and say they’re the demon is a good boon to the evil team.

philo stuff

magnus was given jarek/mistyx as minions
philosopher, high priestess, shugenja as bluffs

jarek was because hp went to go see them, and mistyx was because i thought it would be funny
high priestess was jarek, philo was magnus, shugenja was an out-of-play role



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9 player TB.

Me being mad about the Amelia thing was all tilt, in hindsight, saying “May is evil but I’ll elaborate tomorrow” was obvious signaling. I don’t hold that against you.

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I figured out may was the undertaker and not a mutant off the savant info

i expected that response, which is why i didn’t take it personally

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Biggest new player trap:
Pushing double claims is 99% of the time a bad idea

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I like savant info that helps both teams

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yeah no that was on me

…granted, I would’ve probably explained it right then if I wasn’t in class but yeah its fine

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ive played this game multiple times before i just

always got a demon token

by explain I mean make up more bullshit I had no fucking idea what to say

you broke chesterton’s fence, which was your biggest mistake
you couldn’t have stopped amelia

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oh yeah fun fact I was accidently added to haxard card so I knew he was fangu

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Magnus yoy would have been for a treat if you chose magician and were told “no”

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you assumed there was no logical reason behind my harshness on amelia, when the entire evil team was clinging onto life

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