Plagues & Flowers - Checkmate (Good wins)

i play everything fast and loose
i see botc like
a sandbox where i have the power to build little cool things with my character and other people can do the same thing
i really dont play it like mafia and i again dont think its incredibly fun to take competitively like most mafia players probably do
i just like building neat stuff and botc lets me do that much more than normal mafia games because i have more tools that i can use to build


Even if magnus was lunatic, all minions would have needed to claim outsider in order to fuck stuff up with a dreamer n1 check on magnus

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Which I realized and was preparing for

the game was kinda
decided really early
which is disappointing for me and the playerbase but
thats kinda what happens and thats
fine, i think

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Yeah. It’s, like, the only decision to make, with all the info. I think I mentioned it a few times later, like “good has to be winning if Atlas has chosen to do this”.

And, of course, I was tilted in the first place because I felt like it was my fault for missing the fact that I shouldn’t have been calling out madness. I just saw Litten acting oblivious and felt that instinctive need to correct. Gotta work on that one.


thanks for silviu for co-hosting
even if their help was just trying to mess with magnus as revenge


I’ll just use this game for my mantra of never claim evil for whatever reason you are good fucking stop claiming evil to good players unless that player is Litten and you are may and you are losing




but litten what if I want to GOBLIN CLAIM

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yeah generally claiming evil isnt a good idea unless you have a meta about doing it as good too

If I were really the Lunatic, I wouldn’t have betrayed you.

I, uh, knew I was lying to myself. As I kept making the point being annoyed in thread. I very much recognised the faults in my arguments as I was saying them and said them anyway. Pure tilt. I am sorry about that.

this is the reason behind no-dashii first rand
and magnus’ rolecard was me extending that

i expected that you would apologize after seeing my reasoning, and i felt nothing from it after a few minutes; you are fine


thats not the bit i am upset about. as i said during our whisper. fair game if i fail.

its more or the fact you dragged it on till the end of the day which got me fuming. making me think i did a good play and being proud of myself for it. and then ripping it out.

that was where i believe my anger lied while also being angry at myself

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and then you remember the results with the last two games.

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again, thank you all for playing
i can’t play many games i’m not incredibly interested in because mafia always tends to just. devolve into people attacking your character for you scumreading them and botf is incredibly complex but boring at points
i might not host a botf in the future again, but it was… good experience, i think


Regardless of whether you were upset by it, regardless of whether you knew exactly why I was doing it (which you did), I still feel obligated to apologise. I behaved badly. It’s a disservice to myself as well as you to be tilting in thread and blatantly saying things I didn’t believe because I was upset with myself. Acknowledging it is the least I can do.


again, im really sorry to the evil team. that was. rough.

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May is why I didn’t make you the good Thief in my BoTF.