Plagues & Flowers - Checkmate (Good wins)


was just looking back at that

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It’s a fantastic Minion, people just don’t play with them right.
“We’ll ignore the Twins.”
“Great now we have to shoot in the dark how could we have countered this?”

and drunk cant trigger virgin.

spy is too strong now i am looking back

This is what everyone says the first time they hear about it.

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there was one game. where i was a juggler twin. good twin. and i juggled 4 players as the roles they claimed to me + 1 random person as the vigor and i got a 1.

the town wanted to kill me because all the players said they lied to me then i had the realisation. if all 4 players lied to me… then i juggled the vigor correctly. killed the vigor. confirmed my info. confirmed my innocence

and this is why hazard is only good at the game when he is lucky

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on paper spy is op.
but spy cant really do much but share info with the demon and look townie to others. it can actually stop bad info on the demon

Thereby proving that Evil Twin is a fun character.

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its not as bad as other minions.
but its not in my top 10

IMG_0085 Evil Twin’s my 6th favourite character to play with.

my fav is still by far godfather. i love it.

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pixie. WHEN I AM FUCKING SOBER. is in my top 10 characters as well

Hey, you were sober last time.

vortox posioning. is not being sober

so basically town has to do the following:

washer librarian invest chef has to see if there is a virgin. virgin has to find these characters and whispers need to happen. this is where they can basically create a 2 day poe with forcing the sus claims to nominate virgin. so the nominations has to be controlled too

other characters come in to play at d2


another good thing is using the virgin ability to kill a top 4. proving them as not drunk and confirming them as town while also confirming the virgin as town

I once bluffed Virgin as the Undertaker. I was executed in F3 because it was a teensy.

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well theres your problem

you do have to remember tho. they only proc once. its “First time” if it doesnt proc you cant do it again

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There was a Poisoner in the game and I confirmed the Slayer, who confirmed the nightkilled Ravenkeeper. We all got sober information.