Plagues & Flowers - Checkmate (Good wins)

yeah noms has the be controlled in a virgin game then

or, can town bait the evil till later days by hiding the virgin?


but no thats a bad idea demon can kill them at night

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I think someone nominated the RK-confirmed player and that looked bad for me somehow.

virgin has to go guns blazin d1


or they can keep quiet and get someone off guard

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Imagine evil Virgin.

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does that exist

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Not in Trouble Brewing, but yes.

or make the virgin mad

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if the nominator is townsfolk you are executed

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Bounty hunter and Mez can both make a townsfolk evil

But none are on the basic scripts

crazy how virgin can catch spy

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We need more converters, wouldn’t you say?


It occurred to me that Hazard might not know Witch Hunter, and Baker definitely doesn’t.



i also need to figure out my night action on another game huh i got less than 1 hour to make a spreadsheet

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Witch Hunter is an unreleased Townsfolk.

They cannot be turned evil by any means. Each Night, they can check another player’s alignment. Checked good players will turn evil after one day if they aren’t executed.

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The Witch Hunter can self-target to prevent turning anyone.

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(It’s so very silly.)

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