Plagues & Flowers - Checkmate (Good wins)

fun fact about my first botf fall of rome

i went on jstor and read a book called crassus - the first tycoon

that’s how clueless i was

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what if they are poisoned LOL

They would learn arbitrary information and their target would not turn.

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it doesn’t seem that bad

they can claim their role d1 and town can afford like 1 conversion/execution to clear them?

then demon will be forced to kill them at one of the nights, trade off is evil team gets 1 dead vote extra

not too bad

no no… i have already got a legion witch hunter script :3

Imagine being the turned player.

It’s okay if the targeted player is executed quickly anyway, yeah. You should be checking off members of the POE.

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I think Witch Doctor + Atheist is where its really at.

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cause its funny

Please put a Recluse on the script.

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Witch Hunter pairs really well with Recluse, especially on a Legion game, actually.

ive lost 2 heretic game as evil by winning and then getting heretic’d


in shock
crying so much
cant wake up

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its an initiation as i said

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take deep breaths and then when you have gained control of your breath grab some water


i have a thing
i dont know if its a disorder or

dreams dont usa ally go away when i wake up and often mix into my memories


like lucid?

not really
well like
its like a lucid dream after i wake up but not before