Plagues & Flowers - Checkmate (Good wins)

May is SUPER SUPER TOWNIE. One of the TOWNEIST supers ever, you won’t believe. On tbis script, afaik you want to kill a minion early on anyway as it has a chance to get rid of posion or harpy stuff if you execute a minon and we need to kill a minon before f3


@may confirm that you are townie super

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I am towny. The towniest. Super towny

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No you are townie super

I amtownie super

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The temptation to joke vote

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i don’t have one

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mornin all

Hi. I am awake at an inappropriate hour.

would you rather i had kept silent and let you die to a fake check

I am going to bed your forced to go to bed as well

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fuck you

That’s not how it works.


your going to bed with me shit head

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No you claiming is fine I’m just saying the fake Dreamer in the claim can falsify results quite easily

I couldn’t even if I wanted to.

to bad go to sleep

