Plagues & Flowers - Checkmate (Good wins)

how soon

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Don’t be like me.

yeah dont be like may. no one wants to end up like them

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eating rock candy and sipping ink out of a bowl

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If you don’t get enough sleep you will slowly bit by bit transform into me this is true

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fate worse then death

You WILL have your bowl water

bowl of ink* and apprently candles

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A tasty snack!

Now Hazzy if you’ll check your clock

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i had my may vaccinations

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can i ask something that might be a stupid question but i didn’t see it anywhere in the op

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do minions get bluffs or no

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Minions don’t learn bluffs, hence why I tracked whispers.

Magnus no

Sleep is important my friend!

you have been removed from the cat void for this


okay i think amelia is almost certainly just a minion then