Plagues & Flowers - Checkmate (Good wins)

Wouldn’t you rather enjoy my company?

VOTE: Amelia

Oh I always enjoy your company <3

But I’d rather you feel well rested

Thanks for drawing my attention to this, by the way.

hey crazy can i ask you somethint

Sure what’s up

I agree, yeah. And not the Spy.

I can do both.

would you mind outing what role you saw may as in the dreamer info

this is a yes/no question im not asking what it was


(I’m not the dreamer, it’d just take a second as I’d have to go through whispers to confirm)

i know you’re not the dreamer im the dreamer

but acknowledged

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Why do you ask anyhow?

was trying to check a theory

but i don’t think you’d want me to out what that theory was

I think I trust you now haha

yeah same

i think we’re kinda chilling

Aside from appearing in my dreams I don’t know how you could.

Wait…that sounded better in my head.


What the actual fuck do you think im doing as a Minion then

Hanging out

You say im a minion yes

Whats my gameplan


Possibly Get may killed and lose all my credibility?