Plagues & Flowers - Checkmate (Good wins)

/whisper Mistyx

Can ya make? On phone


When ever your here

I’m always here.

except for those 9 minutes
/whisper Magnus

Or those six minutes.


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Aussie radio hour.


Feel like chatting?


I am at a lecture. As soon as I am done


Aussie radio hour. We havent had one of these in a while

I think we did it, like, twice.

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We did it a three times i think

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But i am not good at memory

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I was rewatching one of Grian’s series at the time and that’s where I got the radio idea from.

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I am terribly uncreative.

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There’s a new series out. I don’t even watch Minecraft videos anymore but I did for this.

Nah i will always watch a 3rd life series video

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