Plagues & Flowers - Checkmate (Good wins)

I just woke up and I’m thinking of falling back asleep
Which I will proceed to do

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I’m back, anyone wanna whisper?

Hey guys
General here good is winning

This likely means that @litten is good and @may is mafia


/whisper luka

/whisper littlen

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i wasn evil last time so thass hard to answer

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/whisper may

Luka abandoned me

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i probably sound really evil right now but i think its because im not lucid

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noms in one hour fourty-five minutes and like 30 seconds


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why d you like this lidden

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this isna very likeable posd

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I’m town

Litten is good
This is a pocket

genoral isn’t even on scrip right

Nah it is

it is
its my role