Play at your own risk [?KRC]: Game Over - Town Victory

Oh, we are 16 players. So not odd. But still, doesn’t sit right with me.

But I am also a hypocrite since I prolly won’t vote anyone today XD

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to be fair it’s not like sleep itself is required, i can vote with any wagon

if you’re able to get a scope on things you should express more tbh i’m vibing w you

mind is telling me to vote nuto and mind is telling me to not throw myself to be trusting towards zenon and jaiden so easy but my heart wants me to be

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Wdym by “expected alignment split”?

And from when I played with u last time in the mountainous game, I remember u more as an “info player” right?

Do u feel we lose anything if we sleep today rather than voting anyone? And what are ur thoughts on the current people voting sleep?

I prolly can attempt to better grip on things tomorrow when skimming through some of the thread, because I am tired right now and only here so I don’t get fined XD

EOD is coming up soon I think and I have to go to bed soon as well.

Thoughts on Nuto/Zenon? I see they are the top wagons after sleep.

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nuto is just poefuel currentlt (gonna iso them rn

zenon im conflicted on but tbh i don’t think i’d vote to kill them today

I pushed for an information execution during B&F first because I had been previously advised that gathering information when there was nothing else to be learnt was an optimal strategy. I don’t entirely disagree with that strategy now, but it’s more of a backseat priority for me now unless I’m completely lost.

An expected alignment split would be 12 Town — 4 Mafia, or a single neutral instead of a villager. Conversion is in the operations order so I’m not completely sold on that being true, hence my hesitation to no-exe.

We lose the information of an execution, and if it’s a POE’d slot that would’ve died they instead might need to be resolved later. Of all the players currently voting sleep, I think it’s probable that Nuto demonstrated a lack of TMI that has been touched on elsewhere; Guava is a villager or even a neutral (which I find much less likely given randing survivor April Showers); Min seems to have been agreeing with me on a lot although I’m not entirely sure what their own thought processes are; and Garfooled is a nulltown / townlean atm because of his entrance, but he dropped off a while ago.

I think I miscounted the number of people on that wagon.

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Ok, I briefly started looking at Zenon’s ISO and noticed they are top poster without voting anyone as of right now which is already a slight negative against them.

Second thing I noticed is in some of their interactions with certain players, they seemed somewhat agenda’d with their interactions. She seemed to be somewhat “pockety” towards certain players and one post that pinged me in particular is when she tr a bunch of people and went “these are obv town” ez game. That line felt somewhat fake/performative to me.

And the lack of pushes compared to the number of town reads she has is somewhat concerning to me, since I tend to think of Zenon as one who appeases/pockets more as mafia.

Are you familiar with Zenon’s scum meta?

I just gave some quick thoughts off very quick skim on Neon. Let me know what u think.


see now here’s another slot i’m conflicted on lmao

first quote sets me off yet the “i’m just happy to be here” feels ?? tonaly v


feeling cope right now

Yes. I have seen her play as mafia in several games. She portrays herself as more “confident” in her reads when she is mafia and specifically more confident towards her town reads.

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zenon might be evil guys and i don’t like it

Why is this post drawing ire, by the way? It looks like he’s asking about anyone with n0 actions, which the host specified were possible before the game started.


i feel like jumping into thread asking for mechanical information is always weird to me

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I think Zenon can towntell extremely easily and there are eight hours until EOD due to the host time delay.


ykw i’ll just wait for towntell then. it’ll happen trust

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Ah ok I see, so would you say ur playstyle has shifted then since that game then?

And ty for that explanation regarding alignment split. Not knowing the exact structure can also hurt us esp with sleeping today which is why I’d advise against it. Though it’s even, it does not mean it’s always safe to sleep bc of different roles/abilities etc.

So do you tr majority of the people voting sleep? It seems u tr Nuto the most and then followed by Guava and then Min/Garfooled.

What do u make of the wagons below it and the current state within thread?

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The second quote does somewhat remind me of myself when I first started forum mafia and that alone seems somewhat townie with the excitement.

Is crazynuto a newer player?


meh, I somewhat disagree, but I will say they are more readable from flips/interactions with others down the line.

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I don’t think the question is a “mechanical one.”

What gives u that impression?

I do agree hollistically that coming into the game and solely focused on mechanics is rand >scum, but I don’t really see Nuto doing that in the post highlighted.

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