Play at your own risk [?KRC]: Game Over - Town Victory

I just answered how you knew the hood existed. You checked your inbox only today to see it. As the time stamp on the 1st message in hood means you didn’t know it existed until earlier today.

no it doesn’t

What is this referring to?

So that’s why you haven’t responded to me in our neighbourhood.

:eyes: :question: :grey_question: :question:

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Gee it’s almost as though I was telling the truth about not knowing I was in a hood.

Jaiden don’t try telling me that you posted in the hood days before everyone else did. The timestamps don’t lie.

Unless you want to claim that somehow the timestamps got tampered with, though that’s unprovable right now.

In our nbhd?
It says 2 hours ago

The 1st message. The neighborhood was created pre game.

Jaiden’s saying that she already knew about the neighbourhood from the start of the game and didn’t post because she was waiting to see if you posted, while you’re claiming that Jaiden absolutely would’ve posted if she knew about it.
That’s the dispute.

Which to me is impossible, because Jaiden posted in the director hood and obviously wasn’t waiting for me to post 1st.

Jaiden could be pretending they knew the neighborhood with myself/Jaiden and Gar existed from the game start for goodness knows what reason, when the timestamps tell me they couldn’t know it existed until today.

The director’s thread had everybody of value in it and the hood has three people from what I’m hearing. They not comparable.

That makes zero sense to me.

Fair enough, then.

Explain to me as though I’m a 5 year old why it makes sense for Jaiden to not post 1st in the neighborhood and wait for me/Gar to do so 1st? Assuming they really knew about the existence of the hood from the word go.

Jaiden could’ve been feeling shy.

the threadstate this game has felt so weird for me am i for real the only one

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idk how to explain it but it’s just been harder for me to solve. the hoods are soaking up conversation like crazy

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