Play at your own risk [?KRC]: Game Over - Town Victory

Yeah. I like it too.

Why do I have an incredibly bad feeling about this? No need to tell me twice.

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Eh. He hasnt showed any issue yet. He may be friendly

For those who are unaware, itā€™s a Disco Elysium reference. Itā€™s the fake name you can give yourself since youā€™re a cop with no memory.


I need to replay it honestly

We can only hope thatā€™s the case.

Probably an agent of chaos. A sorry/superstar/apocalyptic cop of chaos.

Town Short List:


For whatever reason I keep getting weird vibes from CRich, but itā€™s more likely than not heā€™s town, due to the calls heā€™s been making.

:( bruh

you will be swiftly dealt with

VOTE: Magnus

i will be doing things. this game

min posting an iso wall? holy shit he is back

leafia might be good?

this has to have at least one scum in it, i refuse to believe otherwise


i donā€™t know what to think of the way theyā€™ve been treating leafia

this is intriguing. maybe this looks better for hazard? this seems like garfooled is genuinely trying to convince hazard which is not needed if youā€™re talking to a scummate

i want to say leafia/may/hazard/nuto also has woof in them because of this post nya


another mention of leafia, wanna know ppls imputs on how they feel on leafia plez


this is a WEIRD ass post to make towards someone


the amount leafia has been mentioned in gars iso

iā€™m leaning on her being more town than not?

on the other hand, i feel nuto looks kinda bad from gars iso ngl, also just general rule of 3 is making me feel that way

garfs iso still kinda nothingburger so iā€™d take anything with a grain of salt except the fact i kinda wanna kill nuto rn

VOTE: crazynuto

magnus will be properly isodived sometime soon, i trusted him but jaiden left a legacy and well, iā€™m not gonna ignore it lol

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I have irl reasons for having been gone unfortunately

Well good meowning to you too

It was funny

I was against people voting at the time because I wanted people to vote sleep

You didnā€™t read the context for that LOL
Jaiden told me to vote there and I assumed they had a mechanical reason to want me on that wagon

Which I say right here

I didnā€™t want to ignore what you were saying but I literally couldnā€™t claim

Yes because as we all know I love being afk and it was definitely intentional


And now I have to get ready for school but Iā€™m gonna skip math so I can be in thread

wtf is that post from magnus lmao

go to school nerd i do not think itā€™s that worth it

They wanted me to defend myself instead of them defending me so it didnā€™t encourage me to just sit and do nothing
On paper it makes sense but in context of me being who I am it doesnā€™t LOL


We have a work day and Iā€™m done with my work but if weā€™re done with our work heā€™s like ā€œI have books over there get off your phoneā€

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i see

move along then smh

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According to the Bishop, I have committed no sins this game, but if you go by the Catholic Churchā€™s definition, thereā€™s plenty:

  • Lied to CRichard in our neighbourhood, claiming to scumread Magnus (I didnā€™t, it was a reaction test)
  • Failed to love my neighbour as myself when I voted for Arogame, who was in one of my neighbourhoods
  • Made numerous profane jokes and remarks not befitting of a good Catholic
  • Homosexuality, since my girlfriend was in this game
  • Gambled and encouraged others to commit gambling by inviting Guava to play Mahjong Soul
  • Organ harvesting
  • Attempted murder on Garfooled, then proceeded to be an accessory to murder as I led a wagon against them
  • Being goth, potentially (itā€™s unclear)
  • Bribery, paying off the moderators to not ban me for ongoing game mentions
  • Taking the Lordā€™s name in vain by utilizing the powers of a Bishop when I am not even ordained
  • Chess

Anyway now that thatā€™s over with good morning everyone