Play at your own risk [?KRC]: Game Over - Town Victory

that’s so vague but I guess this is compensation for scum so it’s not exactly meant to help us LOL

Magnus (2): Zenon, Leafia
crazynuto (1): min
guavagudetama (1): CRichardFortressLies
Sleep (1): guavagudetama
min (1): crazynuto

Not Voting (5): Hazardwaste, Gorta, Magnus, JakeTheWolfie, May

that being said, we could still play like conversion is in play regardless

this day has been so screwy for me basically

I mean
that sounds good on paper but are we just meant to reset townreads every day in fear of conversion having happened the previous night?

cuz the conversion could happen at any time and we wouldn’t know
it could have already happened or they could turn a 2v5 into lylo

first I’m forced to post something against my will that sounds close to my hood overnight chat (and everyone denies having such an ability) and now I get told this

basically be vigilant

locktowns are off the menu

play like you would in a game with known conversion

In that case we have 8 v 3, which again implies it’s just Coven as the non-town faction this game.

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it’s implied it’s a one time thing and has already happened, but be vigilant

Bear in mind that it’s based on my assumption that we have 4 starting non-town, as a quarter of the player list being non-town is the typical percentage in a role madness setup.

Wait that’s not what I meant.
I meant you’re only holding yourself back by letting the possible consequences of your actions freeze you. Sorry.

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that makes sense

I wonder if Arogame was originally town, got converted and rage quit by not posting at all.

it said it was compensation for EoD 2 specifically

Aro already wasn’t posting D1. Besides, converting Aro is a missed opportunity when you could convert someone act Ive instead.

Yeah that’s a good point. I suspect everyone on this list would look at Aro as a conversion candidate and say no. Then again, Arogame was probably just starting Coven.

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I was going to say that a convert and factional kill over one night feels like a lot of power for compensation. At least I would make it one or the other, not both. Even if both a convert and kill in one day is outlandish, I don’t really believe Jaiden would’ve died to this.

Is this a day or night ability and what purpose does it serve? Could you cook it into Toffee Almond Pie without using cyanide beforehand?