Play at your own risk [?KRC]: Game Over - Town Victory

Good Morfternevenight

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@May are you around?

I really should definitively figure out who the scum are here, we have the means to at least find all the starting ones. Unfortunately Iā€™m in a Mood tonight

Hi yeah I was just typing something

If you heard that Raphael gave the following information to another player, what would you think?
ā€œThe Coven started the game with a factional godfather.ā€

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Fucked up if true

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Also weird given the hesitating to add alignment cops

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Though I recall Dum answering ā€œneitherā€ to the all cops are bastards vs all godfathers are bastards so Iā€™d not rule it out

We need to quit dillying and dallying, cut the bullshit, see through their lies, and get to the bottom of this mystery. No more wasting time on random garbage, we need to start sooner rather than later.

I was of the opinion that the possibility of a factional godfather had been disproven before this information even went out, given Gar and Aroā€™s flips.

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It was then changed a while later to actually refer to a ā€œhiddenā€ factional godfather.

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Magnus what the fuck are you talking about

What do you mean?

I read something. Those were words. I failed to understood them.

What I heard was ā€œCoven has an ability that they canā€™t haveā€

Magnus (3): Leafia, Zenon, min
JakeTheWolfie (2): Magnus, CRichardFortressLies
Gorta (2): crazynuto, May
Sleep (1): guavagudetama

Not Voting (3): Hazardwaste, Gorta, JakeTheWolfie

Okay so letā€™s say, hypothetically, that the Coven had a factional godfather. For the sake of the argument, letā€™s even say that Raphael said this. So in this scenario, wouldnā€™t it be reasonable to assume that like the other factional abilities, this would appear in both Gar and Aroā€™s rolecards? Now that weā€™ve established this, the answer is actually quite simple. As a factional godfather did not appear in either flipped Coven memberā€™s rolecard, you can derive from the fundamentals of basic logic that Raphael is telling a falsehood.

Therefore, it is of utmost importance to consider the realm of probability that this factional godfather ability has a hidden modifier, meaning that it would be absent from flipped rolecards. At this point, I would feel that it is pertinent to mention that hypothetically such an ability would make any alignment checks redundant, and thus Raphael is still lying to our faces. However, Raphaelā€™s lies are usually not so obviously plain that I cannot help but question the validity of the message, which is henceforth the reason why I sought second, third and fourth opinions.


Raphaelā€™s statements arenā€™t necessarily true.


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Mag Shapiro

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