Play at your own risk [?KRC]: Game Over - Town Victory

Where’s Hazaaaaaard

It’s not even 8am yet chill.

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I’m a deeply impatient person

Thread - “‘crazynuto’ selfvoting actively harms town”

  • This statement is true from my perspective, but if I’m scum it’s naturally false. 50/50

CRichardFortressLies - “There is at least 1 non town player whose name doesn’t end with the letter E.”

  • At that time we’ve got… crazynuto, CRich, May, Min, Magnus, Zenon, guava, Leafia, Gorta. Which would leave Hazard and Jake. If this is very likely true just mathmatically speaking, unless Hazard is the only scum left.

crazynuto - “The best information you are going to get for the remainder of this game is flips.”

  • Judging from what people have said about their roles, I’m inclined to say this is False. There’s likely still some ability out there that might help?

May - “Part of the compensation Coven received included a 1-shot fullcop.”

  • Obviously we don’t know if this occurred or not, but there hasn’t been enough time to see if any super powerful roles have died. Unless you consider Zenon’s role to be particularly powerful. ???

JakeTheWolfie - Coven started with hidden factional GF

  • Forgive me if I’m wrong but this means Godfather right? So one of the players would appear as Town to any investigative roles. According to Leafia we know this isn’t Gourmet Guy’s hidden ability, as she discovered the player who had it was Coven. So I’m gonna put this loosely as a True for now.

min - “Hidden” means it wouldn’t show because it was already used and subsequently dropped as a factional ability and/or it cannot show on the factional abilities on flipped Coven as a part of the factional’s ability.

  • As this is a mechanics based answer, I think it’s more likely than not True. Just feels weird to lie about.

Magnus - Raph will give 6 true and 6 false statements today

  • Already been over this but this is a sorta non-answer. Still it is True.

Zenon - Jaiden was Strongmanned

  • As Zenon is Town there is no reason for them to change Raph’s statement, so we have to take this at face value. I think if this is True it actually hurts Coven more, as it sorta narrows down who interacted with whom during the night. So I’m inclined to see this as False.

guavagudetama - 2 + 2 = 5

  • Unless we believe in fairies, this is False.

Leafia - [Leafia] roleblocked at least one person N2

  • See this mixes strangely with Zenon’s statement. If Zenon’s is true, then Jaiden’s killer was presumably roleblocked by Leafia, then it went through as they had a Strongman ability. If Zenon’s is true, then Jaiden’s has to be, but not necessarily vice versa. She could’ve just rb-ed nobody of importance.

Hazardwaste - “The current conversation is useless”

  • I think this was in regards to some alignment change thing, which since this is pretty funny, I’ll consider it True for now.

Gorta - “Someone has changed alignments or a person is capable of changing of alignments from the compensation given to town due to EoD2

  • I think this is at odds with May’s statement, as getting a fullcop and a change in alignment seems a bit busted ngl. I’ll put this as FALSE for now.

So to sum it up that makes us have…

Potentially 7 Truths and 5 Falses or 5 Truths and 7 Falses considering perspective and what one truth means for another.

Or maybe my math or reasoning is wrong lol.

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It’s almost 6PM and I still haven’t gotten dressed for the day or eaten breakfast or anything so I am like the most massive hypocrite of all time

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A factional ability is a power that the entire team has access to. In the world where coven started with a hidden 1-shot factional detection immunity, it wasn’t spent n1.

My thoughts on what

Sorry for slow responses I’m in class rn :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones: I didn’t think we were doing anything today


Guava, I can’t save you if someone makes another ballroom joke in response to this line.

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.


Ah okay, so it needs to be activated? I thought it was like a one-use shield that just goes off when you’re invested or something.

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It depends on the hosts. The specifics can vary.

Nobody responded to this so I’m presuming nobody actually knows.

My assumption was that they could assign the Godfather to one of their members and then they’d have it permanently? But it’s a weird ability any way you slice it

@crazynuto you said Raphael was here to stay. Are we getting more Savant information today?

Unintended rhyming couplets go bah.

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No it’s only a Day 3 ability. I just meant he’s gonna be lurking around. There might be some one shot ability I get in the future that activates him, but as I’m sure you know I have no control over that lol.

Could today be XELO?

I have. Misplayed

What happened?

See I decided my night actions at 3 AM