Play at your own risk [?KRC]: Game Over - Town Victory

Then we proceeded to not do that, so I could be wrong, but I think my thoughts are quite clear here.

Hazard, what do you think? Could you be partnered with Gorta or can you confirm you aren’t?

Cool, thanks. Moving on.

If Gorta really said that, then Hazard isn’t with them in the world they’re a wolf. I don’t see Gorta as a wolf wanting suspicion on their buddies.

I think CRichard’s made about ten notes to self that he’s forgotten about.

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As i said before i am doing stuff irl XD. I mean i could be partnered with gorta its a fair case we havent really interacted at all with each other. I guess right now without being able to read back some stuff that could break us apart is we havent been voting similarly :man_shrugging: all i really got.

You really aren’t giving us anything, huh? Where’s your sense of humour?

Here’s a recent story: Jared Leto randomly scaled the wall of a German hotel without any safety gear for no apparent reason.

I dont know what i am meant to give XD. I am not gonna lie i am kinda just bummed out about this game. My ability has proc’d twice. And both tines it was basically stopped by a roleblock

You don’t need to investigate me at night, Hazard.

I’ll put that in the tip jar

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I have never told a lie in my life.

Mag you have some how accidentally screwed over my ability twice this game XD if your evil fair play…

How did I mess you up twice? I didn’t roleblock myself last night.

I shouldn’t have even received feedback for that, but we’ll ignore the deus ex fiasco in play for now.

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Why was everyone trying to kill CRichard on day two again?
It wasn’t only because of his response to being suspected, right?

@May your theory about fakeclaiming being a trap is false because Aro’s submitted role was never published.

Edge case

Jaiden thought I was making up not knowing about the neighborhood.

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