Play at your own risk [?KRC]: Game Over - Town Victory

hey magnus want to give player metas like we’re trading pokèmon cards to eachother
i’ll give you a silviu and a jake if you give me a nuto and a garfooled

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I only know as much about Garfooled’s wolf meta as I’ve seen from this game alone, but coming from past towngames they seem polarised enough for you to read. I know Silviu’s town meta, but not their wolf meta. I have enough information to intuit Jake’s meta in a fair light, but it would help.

I would imagine that’s how you feel about the others as well, though. Hmm.
Now I want to assign levels of rarity to each player scaling on the difficulty of reliably reading them. I like this premise.

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silviu’s very polarized if you hit them right, especially if you can get into a solo conversation with them, ive played a game recently with evil!silviu so its especially good considering im the only one who knows it
jakes a harder one to read but he has a few specific tells that can make his game fall apart as scum and be reliabily easier to read as town


I think this was a longform game on the Unofficial BOTC Discord, right?

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yes, i assume silviu pinged you on it

No, I just happened to find it randomly.

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Something sometime three days ago.

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Don’t forget. I am inside your walls.


this is like the free trial version come on where’s the meat

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Classic prank. Gottem

im being especially gatekeepy so when i rand mafia in anni i can tell all my teammates and lie to everyone else

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also solid proof Arctic can’t read jake

jake is not making it past ita1 don’t be silly

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you say that like this is an insult
the guy literally doesn’t play the game

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I will never recover


well maybe if you gave me your pokèmon cards you’d know by now

The only meta knowledge I have is on myself and I give that shit out for free constantly

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not to sound narcissistic not because im not just because i dont want to sound like it i dont think any of you can read me

Who give a shit about reading individuals, that’s day one day two shit. Boring to me. Basic. L0 gameplay. Teams have more possibilite they are nmore fun

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