Play at your own risk [?KRC]: Game Over - Town Victory

If the king does not lead, how can you expect his insubordinates to follow?

for me itā€™s because as town i donā€™t push things strongly enough for this playstyle to be worth replicating as mafia (wild west 2 was a bit of an exception because i got tired of letting people i thought were town die but itā€™s still been true for my past few town games) since in general iā€™m a lot less confident and more wishy-washy which is like. not going to help me push through villager miselims as mafia. and i hate seeing my team get bulldozed while just waffling in the corner and letting it happen. so while i could replicate the playstyle i choose not to and just hope that i get townread by otherwise posting villagery things and hope people donā€™t care that iā€™m killing villagers a lot because i end up doing that as town too

Even more scared

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No you didnā€™t.

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I think if youā€™ll review the footage youā€™ll find that I did

Would you still be scared if I was on your team?

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Thatā€™s me @ the moderators of this forum

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You implying I am the weakest link here? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

youā€™re a suitable distraction and something to whirl the thread around
of course scum that has a harder time posting will post more with a barrier in the way

You should be. I have a 0% Mafia winrate since my climactic return.


Iā€™m working on that.

Shoutouts to the F5 auto-victory unkillable unstoppable hidden SK.


Fuck yeah mate.
Thank you for noticing me!

your fault for randing mafia in a game called ā€œai upickā€

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I am always scared due to the scared I carry within myself however I think it would be sufficiently funny as to override the scared. Like how I became much more confident in WWFM2 after we all stacked on the same wagon becuase it was really funny

No point of implying if I give the game up as soon as you ask

That game deserved to be a Mafia sweep.

no the hidden f5 autowin unkillable sk deserved it


Iā€™m not the weakest link.

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We were robbed I tell you.

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