Play at your own risk [?KRC]: Game Over - Town Victory

Not only from your stat chart, either.

From whom :dagger: Someoneā€™s leaking secrets

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Whistles innocently.

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Itā€™s really not a large PoE, thereā€™s only a couple of us involved in larger mafia play. More lately, since people have been pulling strings from elsewhere to get subs, but I like that itā€™s a little bit of an island.

Am I in trouble for hearing about the site?

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Iā€™d be a hypocrite if you were, given I talk about it all the damn time.

I was looking forward to languishing in the stocks.

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If youā€™re that interested in a punishment, Iā€™m sure I can come up with some cause. Itā€™s a mafia site, weā€™re always committing crimes. Weā€™re all in trouble.

I would joke that Iā€™ve never committed a crime on this site, but I did commit the most egregious infraction in years.

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And you didnā€™t even use it to do any actual crimes. For shame. Do you know how irresponsible I would have been with that power?

I posted in multiple private threads that I shouldnā€™t have been privy to because I was notified.

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Fine, Iā€™ll let you off on that one, then. Itā€™s down on your report: committed sufficient funny abuses of power when given the opportunity. A good mark in my books.

Iā€™m either going out for cake or committing a felony. Iā€™ll decide when Iā€™m outside.

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If you commit a felony, Iā€™ll get you a cake.

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hey wait a minute

I robbed a pie shop with Nuto once. I was hungry and it was the middle of the night. I left some money so was any harm really done?
(In D&D.)

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my game might be LONG but the activity level required is basically minority rule levels
other than me

I really wanted to start confessing to some real-life crimes for the bit here, but perhaps that would be unwise.


We have moved on, but I may or may not be a literal sea-faring pirate now. It just sorta happened.