Play at your own risk [?KRC]: Game Over - Town Victory

I crossed a busy highway on a bike once.

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This was really stupid but I was on the wrong side of the highway to catch a train.

This might have been… seven years ago? Six?

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I think my stupidest road-related incident happened… actually, I can pinpoint the exact date. One moment.

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On April 21, 2023, at approximately 3:25 PM UTC-5, I crossed a very busy street, for no reason, under no time pressure whatsoever, and got yelled at from a car for “walking like an idiot” because the mafia game I was playing at the time had so thoroughly fried the decision-making circuits in my brain that the consequences of being hit by a car completely failed to register to me.

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And so did the consequences of hammering 0Ix. Equally harmful events, I think.


Being yelled at by a stranger is the most foreign part of this story for me.


I was walking like an idiot. Was it not deserved?

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It’s just not a familiar experience to me. In Melbourne you could jaywalk in the city in front of a cop and nobody bats an eye. Everyone does it. Granted, most streets aren’t extremely busy. Waiting even a minute on the side of the road feels like forever.

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Traffic was very actively moving. It was not a move that anyone with a working sense of self-preservation would’ve made. But I do think you’re more likely to get yelled at as a pedestrian for crossing the street over here, even at times where it’s completely legal.

In my defence, maybe my sense of self-preservation wouldn’t have needed to be working if the walk signals on that intersection actually functioned. But they didn’t. So I couldn’t even fall back on them when I knew my brain wasn’t working (which I did, given I refused to drive myself that day for a reason).

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Hell hath no fury like a New Yorker scorned.

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A Masshole in this case, but same difference.

I tghink you get crucified for saying this in many places


I tried to make it impossible to get a convenient KP with my role.

It isn’t my fault that “can’t give KP” condition did’t came in my mind. If it would have done, the wording would have been way simpler. (Later the hosts informed me, it stayed as it is, because it prevented scum conversions (and other beneficial actions) as well.)

Don’t call me out, it’s what Atlas said. Everyone in the game included either direct killing power, indirect killing power or the ability to grant killing power in their submitted rolecards except for one.

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Weak is such a funny modifier I had to


The weak modifier was such a trap we couldn’t use it.

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No, it’s a perfectly good modifier :mouse_trap: You could get a free kill in on an obvious townie with a powerful ability :mouse_trap: Don’t you want to try it out :mouse_trap: There will be absolutely no consequences

I’m sure you, who certainly knew what Guava’s role actually was, wouldn’t question why Gorta randomly died in a pair one night.
(You forgot your own submitted role I was expecting you to believe my greencheck because of that.)

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