Play at your own risk [?KRC]: Game Over - Town Victory

I would do the same thing 1000 more times

It was funny

You know I hadnā€™t thought about it like that.

well yes, i do know
that was the basis of my argument

This is marlunaā€™s submitted role minus host modifications. The role that has host modifications will be added within 10 seconds

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Youā€™re convincing me lol.

I apologize for any disparaging statements I made about your character.

If youā€™re bad Iā€™m gonna look so bad as a result lol but

VOTE: Gorta

we spent 2 hours with multiple people willing to change wagons seemingly not caring to
im going back and forth on how it looks for nuto still

you did what now?

Gorta (3): Jaiden, guavagudetama, crazynuto
May (2): CRichardFortressLies, JakeTheWolfie
CRichardFortressLies (2): Zenon, Leafia

Not Voting (7): Hazardwaste, Magnus, Garfooled, May, Arogame123, min, Gorta

nobody told me nuto was shittalking me that changes everything

I didnā€™t see it

Letā€™s turbo them though

Itā€™ll be funny

so true

Iā€™ll blame anyone who pushed that dang sleep wagon

well, you do know we could have had a whole 48 hours if we hadnā€™t pushed le funny sleep wagon for dubious reasons

yes, I am still upset about that wagon

i need to point out gorta just because there was a wagon on sleep doesnt excuse you from having zero reads or thoughts at eod1
other things happened that day. you made 100 posts and youre telling us none of them were in any way solving

responding to this

Going to head out for a bit now so talk to everyone more later. :sleepingleafeon:


I did have thoughts at the end of day 1 and some semi reads, but since there was next to no game related content they couldnā€™t be proper reads. Most of the people either never posted and or pushed for the meme sleep wagon. Magnus was one of the few people making actual content and thatā€™s why I said I trust Magnus.

you know what, that might be true, but they were trying to motivate town to play the dang game