Play at your own risk [?KRC]: Game Over - Town Victory

Have you got any pings disabled?

Democracy is simultaneously the best and worst government in the history of humanity.

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what other neighbour hood are you in? or are you in only the one?

cause from what i heard everyone is in at least two

It’s important that everyone feels like they’re having fun, so I’m going to focus on this before the game.

CRichard, you seem to be blaming the hosts because of something that’s on your end. You said you didn’t receive a notification. Is it possible to be something with your notification settings, or else maybe you missed it? You could check your old notifications to see if you did get it and didn’t notice.

I wasn’t aware that I’m in a neighborhood with Jaiden + 1 until now. Because lol!bugs.

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No it’s 100% not on my end.

If it’s not on your end, I think more people would’ve missed chats like the director’s thread, for example.

BTW sorry hosts. I understand mistakes and whatnot happen.

i got pinged and emailed about my two neighbourhoods

Besides no one posted in there until now. I probably would have known about it earlier, if others posted which means I’m not the only one having that problem.

crichard is fucking reality warping

I’m pretty sure that’s the case. Seeing as no one posted in that neighborhood until now.

So you didn’t know bugs exist until now? You must live a really sheltered life.

Apologies for that. Life isn’t always smooth.

You’re in a neighbourhood with Jaiden and Gar, right?
Could you check to see whether you’re in any others?

these are posts made by the smuggest man alive holy shit

Apparently that’s the case. Gar hasn’t posted once, which means they weren’t aware of the neighborhood too.
I guess that means Gar and I are w/w then.

don’t get too angry about it, lmao it’s just a hood