Players' Choice Invitational - Town Wins!

This isn’t a thunderdome between me and him
It’s not I die or he does
I see no reason to want him to die

I’ll vote literally anyone else other than u

/vote atlas @Host_Account_5

Bye felicia

You played yourself, congratulations

There’s your post
/vote moose @Host_Account_5
He’s trying to get me mislynched
After I assume either me or vulgard will be blamed

This true actually. We are heading to lylo which means deathproof/governor don’t benefit us from taking kp.

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Ooh spicy but I think youd have been better off on squirrel, excited to see how this plays out for u

Good luck atlas know that I’m rooting for u, the lone lost wolf against 8 is a big challenge and I always support the under dog.

We literally never kill Moose today??


I’m going off of everyone that I think could be LW

okay but if we kill Hippo today then I literally cannot be confirmed to not be LW

And if you kill me we waste two days

so you’re claiming deathproof, right?

Because squirrel will die right after and I know for almost certain he’s v

If evil thinks I’m deathproof they’ll probably be gunning for my execution

Which would make them look really bad and the only defense they’d have is blaming it on someone else

What number did u put to get deathproof?

and here you come jumping onto it

I had just said I didn’t claim deathproof