Players' Choice Invitational - Town Wins!

If evil thinks I’m deathproof they’ll probably be gunning for my execution

Which would make them look really bad and the only defense they’d have is blaming it on someone else

What number did u put to get deathproof?

and here you come jumping onto it

I had just said I didn’t claim deathproof

What are you

A two legged biped without any feathers

im clearly avoiding something

you literally have no reason to not out

/vote Atlas @Host_Account_5


I just want you to know that whatever you’re doing today is just very antitown and if you’re not the LW you’re making it a 7v1v1 for literally no reason


Blaming me and not listening once I died happened twice, it’s bound to work a third time

Yee this

Bro u aren’t saying anything that makes sense

Theres a reason for everything

Think about it after I die

if it’s happened many times, clearly it’s a you problem

Or don’t
you probably won’t let’s be honest

If you’re an important PR you’d have said it by now instead of letting yourself die, you’re either LW or just a VT

Let me spell this out for you

I’m either deathproof, Vanilla Town, or Lost wolf